1983. Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Art Clinic with the Artist Verónica Gómez (2019)

Contemporary Art, Analysis and Context Seminar with the artist Gabriel Baggio (2010/2011).

B.F.A specialization in painting from IUNA (Argentine National University Institute) Buenos Aires, Argentina (2003-2007).

Avant-garde and Modern Art Seminar at the Centro Cultural R. Rojas, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2002-2003).

Art Students’ League of New York, USA: Anatomy for the Artist with Anthony Palumbo, Life drawing and color with Catherine Redmond and Painting with Fred Mitchell (2000-2002).

Residency Programs

2017- Est-Nord-Est, Quebec, Canada

2015- Vermont Studio Center, USA granted full fellowship (February)

2013- Kaus Australis Residency, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (July-August)


2019- First prize Bienal Premio Federal 2019

2019- Granted Beca Creación Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Arts Fund) Fellowship

2017- First mention Kenneth Kemble Prize

2017- Resident Award Félix Amador Show

2015- Full fellowship to Vermont Studio Center

2014- Granted Fondo Nacional de las Artes (National Arts Fund) CONTI Fellowship

2012- Honorable Mention Prize for Young Artist at the Annual Banco Central National Painting Award Prize, Bs As

2004/2005- Art research scholarship from the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación, Bs As.

2002- Scholar at the College of New Jersey for Governor's School of the Arts Program in Fine Arts

Group Shows

2020- 13th Bancor National Award Show, selected work. Córdoba, Argentina

2019- Dangerous Liaisona, Pasaje 17 Gallery, Buenos Aires. Argentina

2019- Félix Amador Award Show, Vicente Lopez, Argentina

2019- Mirage, Borde, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2018- The horizon in a dune, La Verdi, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2017- Vicentín Cultural Award Show, Reconquista, Santa Fe, Argentina

2017- Salas Federales CFI Award Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2017- Félix Amador Award Show, Vicente Lopez, Argentina

2016- Itaú Visual Arts Prize, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2015- Annual Banco Nación National Painting Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2015- 10th Annual UADE National Painting Contest, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2015- Powers, Proyecto A Contemporary Art Gallery, Buenos Aires. Argentina

2015- Territories, Central Popular Culture Center. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2013- 8th Annual UADE National Painting Contest, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2013- This is OK, Open Studio Show, Kaus Australis Residency Program, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2012- 6th Annual Banco Central National Painting Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2011- 6th Annual UADE National Painting Contest, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010- Annual Banco Nación National Painting Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010- San Isidro Art Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2010- 9th Edition ProyectoA Gallery Anual Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2009- 8th Edition ProyectoA Gallery Anual Award Show, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2009- UADE Art Institute Show at EspacioRetiro. Buenos Aires, Argentina

2009- Young Artist Award Show UADE, selected work. Buenos Aires, Argentina


write me at mercedesirisarri@gmail.com